You might be the student stuck in an endless loop of trying every study hack in the book.
10 different note-taking methods, active recall techniques, and spaced repetition tricks, only to end up with grades that make you question if the professor’s grading on a curve!
It might seem that all your friends have it all figured out: successful careers and beautiful spouses, while you are unemployed, eternally single, and searching, wondering if you missed the memo on how to win in life.
Perhaps you’ve listened to enough sermons, swearing to walk this journey of faith once more, only to stumble at the sight of that drop-dead gorgeous distraction.
And don’t get me started on the body God gave you—meant to be a temple but constantly under siege by Mama Brandon’s irresistible cakes! Trying to shed those pounds with gym memberships feels more like paying for your punishment; and your sleep schedule? A nocturnal mess of YouTube binges and midnight snack regrets!
And just maybe, you’ve had an “ah-ha!” moment where you’ve realized that chasing after the ‘more’ has turned you into a burnout ninja with a black belt in anxiety and depression.
As a result, you’ve decidedenough with this fast-paced life, let me get the most out of my leisure time.
As your subconscious, let me say that you might be onto something…

The Role of Scheduled Leisure in Achieving Happiness
Deep down, we realize that our mental health is in shambles. Yet, we spend our days numbing ourselves with the unconscious effort of searching for the ultimate happiness hack.
Therefore, I am not here to provide any more philosophical, neurological, or spiritual arguments to thisexistential question, ‘How Do We Become Happy?’
Instead, let’s figure out how important scheduling your leisure time would be in helping you achieve this long-sought happiness.
By resurrecting the compelling insights of a man with an unpronounceable name—behold, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
So, this guy and his buddy Reed Larson did a study [1] to uncover the #1 factor contributing to happiness.
Here’s how it went down:

Top G’s Finding
They found among the study participants that “Freely chosen activities and the company of peers raise the level of happiness, while obligatory activities like schoolwork and the condition of solitude lower it.”
That didn’t mean that watching TV was more fulfilling than working.
The key point was that people “ascribe ‘happiness’ to their moods when they are in situations of relative freedom,” leading to the insight that “people who study more are generally happier, likely because they realize that by building psychological capital, their range of opportunities and hence their freedom will increase in the future.”
Essentially, it’s not the type of activity that dictates happiness but rather “when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.”

Benefits of Scheduling Leisure
#1 factor that contributes to happiness = Intentionality In Pursuing Something Meaningful
Leisure isn’t just a luxury; it’s a meaningful & worthwhile necessity.
But let’s not flop onto the couch haphazardly. Treat your ‘me’ time like a VIP meeting you want to attend. Lounge like a pro and relish every moment of your chill time.
By mastering the art of the chill pill, you’ll unlock:
1. Increased productivity: Consider constant brain refreshment as an antidote to burnout.
2. Improved Your Mental Health: A mood-enhancing boost that kicks stress to the curb.
3. Stronger Relationships: Quality time for social engagements—because even your friends and family need a piece of your awesome.
4. Increased Growth & Fulfilment: Dive into hobbies and interests, savor the moment, and watch yourself bloom like a well-watered houseplant.

So, Here’s My Call To You
Carve out some me-time and witness firsthand how strategic lounging can revolutionize your world. After all, with all the madness out there, you’ve definitely earned it!
If you’re unsure of How To Schedule For Leisure Practically, and want ideas ofLeisure Activities That Will Boost Your Mental Health, stay tuned.