But must the sinner wait until he has repented before he can come to Jesus? Is repentance to be made an obstacle between the sinner and the Saviour? Jesus has said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.” Christ is constantly drawing men to Himself, while Satan is as diligently seeking by every imaginable device, to draw men away from their Redeemer. [1]
We’ve Made a Dream Possible
In this remarkable moment, we find ourselves at a juncture we once deemed a mere dream—the conclusion of Rest Awhile’s first-ever series.
The 7 Deadly Sins.
Words fail to capture the depth of our gratitude. The Rest Awhile™ community has not only exceeded expectations but has truly orchestrated the success of this endeavor.

Recap & Reflection
We started this series with a bold claim—many of our psychological struggles are somehow tied to sin. This set the stage for everything that followed.
We first tackled Pride, the root of all other deadly sins. Then, Envy, with insights from Trevor Magana, reminded us how this often-overlooked sin brings nothing but bitterness.
Anger took us on a detour, showing how morality often takes a backseat when we feel wronged. Mwangi Jefferson then shattered the illusions of Greed, exposing its false security in an uncertain future. We also realized that Sloth isn’t just laziness but a form of resentment toward God—more linked to depression than we might think.
Our curiosity peaked with Lust, a distortion of love meant to be sacred in marriage. Finally, Trevor Magana returned to connect Gluttony to lust, as both stem from overindulging in worldly pleasures.
The pop quizzes attached to each episode helped us examine the true condition of our hearts. Here they are once again for your reflection:
Saving Grace
At the heart of our rejection of these sins we now agree that only through the strength of Jesus Christ can we bury these pesky sins in the grave of His Righteousness, wielding His shovel of Truth.
In His divine wisdom, Christ beckons us with a sweet, tender voice, urging us to surrender our will to Him.
Through this surrender, He becomes the active conduit shaping our decisions, leading us into a life of abundance, joy, and the rest He has unwaveringly promised.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. [2]
Call To Action
This journey has transcended theological exploration. It’s been a deeply personal walk. Every shared moment has been more than an analysis of concepts.
It’s been a bitter realization of our struggles, an acknowledgment of our ongoing need for Jesus, and an understanding of the higher calling we, as followers of Christ, bear.
It’s a call to broadcast the transformative love of Christ, turning those ensnared by sin into bearers of His banner in service to humanity.
Even as we wrap up, let’s not simply say we’ve complete this series but actively engage in continued reflection.
Let’s strive to change our old ways, embracing the growth made possible by Christ, and experiencing spiritual renewal.

Vote of Thanks
Once again, thank you for being an integral part of this community, for your active participation, and for the warmth that you’ve infused into our discussions. Your presence has been a source of enrichment on this journey, and I eagerly anticipate our continued exploration together.
A special acknowledgment goes out to Trevor Magana, not just a brother here on this earthly plane but, I hope, will remain so in the realms of Heaven. Your bearing of my star on your head for leading me to Christ, and our shared walk in the faith of Christ’s advent, holds a special place in my heart. Your steadfast support, from the inception of this ministry to the commencement of this series, is deeply valued. Thank you for the enlightening articles on Envy and Gluttony.
Equally, my gratitude extends to Mwangi Jefferson, the prolific writer in The Cleaver of Truth, whose inspiration played a pivotal role in the birth, growth, and continuous inspiration of this ministry. Thank you Jefferson for promptly responding to my emails, collaborating with us, and sharing your encouragement through the power of the pen. Your contribution is something I am genuinely indebted to.

Honorable Mentions
Lastly, the discussion in this series owes much of its clarity to the enduring wisdom of the servant of God, Dr. William Backus, as presented in his book What Your Counsellor Never Told You.
His work has served as the sturdy foundation upon which this series stands. May the name of Christ be continually exalted for the invaluable service he has rendered to the world.
We can’t afford not to recognize the following people:
✅ Christopher Peterson& Martin E. P. Seligman for their illuminating perspectives in Character, Strengths and Virtues, acting as a counterpoint to the 7 Deadly Sins, particularly in the realms of Pride and Envy.
✅ Dr. Neil Nedley’s insights on depression and recovery, highlighted in the sloth post.
✅ Marshall B. Rosenberg’s guidance on communicating anger non-violently.
✅ Scott Ritsema’s profound research on lust in contemporary society.

Parting Shot
We would be thrilled if you could passionately share this series, individual episodes, or any encountered content with your friends on your socials.
Your contribution adds to the wonderful online ministry community, reaching out to those unfamiliar with the profound love of Jesus or gently reminding those who may have forgotten the embrace of His presence.
Feel free to integrate this series into your conversations, reference it when possible, create additional content for deeper study, spread the word in your church’s youth groups, and share the joy with your family.