Once, In 2 Neighboring Villages
There was a custom meant to restore peace after tragedy. When someone from one village killed a man from the other, the wrongdoers would offer a young boy to live with the grieving family.
After one such incident, a boy left his village to live with the grieving family. Over time, the boy grew close to his adopted family, particularly the grieving father, but would later be betrayed by the same man he trusted with his life.
When the religious elders decided that the boy should be sacrificed to appease the gods, the father knew but painfully remained silent.

To keep the boy calm, they lied, telling him he was being returned to his village. However, he was ambushed by armed men who escorted him away. Wounded and scared, he fled to his father, who was traveling with them, seeking protection.
In a tragic twist, the father, not wanting to appear weak before the tribe, delivered the final blow himself, killing the boy to preserve his standing in the village.
This heartbreaking story is relevant for you and me today. It will help us see God’s unconditional love in terms of:
- His acceptance for you into His family.
- His promise to never abandon you

1. Accepted By A Relationship
The young boy was accepted into the grieving family not because of anything he did or earned, but through the loving relationship between the villages.
In the same way, you too have been welcomed back into God’s family.
But wasn’t I already a part of God’s family? No. When Adam and Eve fell into temptation, humanity’s natural inclination shifted towards disobedience and selfishness.
That’s why Romans 3:23 reminds us that, we are born having fallen short of the glory of God. It’s like a football match starting at 10-0 against you.
But He, who is loving beyond all measure, understood that living away from His character of love is a self-destructive mission.
In Genesis 3:21 , He took action to change the 10-0 score to one of victory, offering us redemption once we accept Him.
He never intended to leave us in our brokenness.
What then, is this unconditional love based on? It’s not our works that earn our way back to God’s family; it’s based on God’s loving relationship with humanity that existed even before the creation of the world.
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so no one may boast — Ephesians 2:8-9
How can I not be a part of God’s family? It’s not because of your bad deeds either.John 15:5-6 provides an answer to this—not being part of The Vine. The only way to be disconnected from God’s family is by not sustaining that relationship.
And God knew you couldn’t get it right on your own, so He didn’t just send a set of rules.
He sent Himself in the person of Jesus, not just to hang on the cross but to live among us, showing you how to have a selfless relationship with the Father, “Thy will be done in us.”
This means that no matter what you have done, do, or will do, God’s love for you remains constant.

2. Never Abandoned
What a painful realization of what the father did to the son who placed his trust in him.
He knew that was the wrong thing to do but chose to put his selfish needs in above an innocent young man. His very own son.
God, is not like that.
Though He is Holy and abhors sin, He has always made it in His heart to identify with sinners. His people.
Not to be a part of their transgression but to change them into His character so that they can live once more in peace, freed from the bondage of sin, and filled with the joy of salvation.
For the Lord will not forsake his people, for his great name’s sake, because it has pleased the Lord to make you his people —1 Samuel 12:22
Even though your journey toward a relationship with God, may be filled with disappointments, pain, frustration, and failure.
God still choose you in your weakness, so that He can be your strength.
He’s not willing to let you go, even when you feel you’ve fallen short.
The accuser will always try to convince you that God is always waiting to punish you, or that your sins are too great for Him to wash away.
Ain’t the evil one a liar!

And So, If You Feel Like You Need To Earn Your Way Back Into God’s Favor
You don’t have to.
Maybe it’s been months since you prayed, or years since you opened your Bible.
Perhaps it’s been a long time since you went to church.
Each time you hear a sermon in church, on YouTube, or from a street preacher, you feel a pull to return to God.
But then, a question lingers:
“Will God still listen to me after I’ve been away for so long?”
But must sinners wait until they have repented before they can come to Jesus? Is repentance to be made an obstacle between the sinner and the Savior? — Review and Herald
Friend, I want you to remember this once again:
God’s love for you has never been dependent on your works.
You are loved, chosen, and accepted—not because of anything you’ve done, but because of His steadfast love.
A love that has been pursuing you since before time began.
So, are you ready to call on His name once again?
He’s been waiting for you, with open arms.