At Some Point In Our Lives
We’ve all struggled with this fundamental existential question.
“Who am I and why am I in existence?”
This identity crisis often intensifies during adolescence as we try to find our place in society.
Just like many others before me, I have struggled with the same.
10/07/2020 – The Crisis Strikes
This was with the vicinities of the university in my first year. I was among the lucky few chosen to pursue a degree.
It was here that the torrent of confusion fully set.
I would go on a spree of missing some classes and chase fleeting pleasure.
I desired to numb myself from the confusion and all the societal expectations.
However, the bottom of the bottle remained as empty as my heart felt on the next sober morning.
Whatever your bottle is, you will never find true satisfaction in consuming its content.
Yes, you might find partial satisfaction, but when reality dawns on you, you will return to where you started, and the cycle continues.
05/07/2022 – Now I Know My Name
Amidst the crisis, enlightenment emerged.
On May 7th, 2022, I met Jesus.

That day, I was baptized, and He filled the void I had been trying to numb.
He was all along whom I hungered and thirsted for.
You see, I thought I was wise and knowledgeable. In my folly, I came to realize, much like Socrates, that I knew nothing at all.
Would you value love if you’ve never experienced hate? I don’t think so…
It has never been His desire for us to have bad experiences. However, He uses our bad experiences to magnify His beauty.
From Then On, I Began Building a Relationship With Jesus
First, I learned to trust Him by believing and depending on His written promises and who He said He was.
Since then, He has never ceased to be exactly who He said He is.
Then, my perception of both God and myself changed. It was then that I learned my name.
I am Alfred Gachanja. A child of the most high. Love and cared for by The Almighty Creator.
I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You — Job 42:5
And So My Dear Friend
If, perchance, you are stuck in a cycle similar to mine, I advise that you give Him a chance.
You might experience something entirely new.
He is a God who made this desolate earth, worth living in.
What more would it cost Him to create order and beauty in your chaotic life?