Self-Worth Is Feeling Capable And Deserving Of Happiness
It’s learned and formed during childhood.
True self-worth comes from knowing that:
You have what it takes to get to wherever you want to be.
Like many, I struggled with self-confidence as a child due to a lack of affirmations and attention to my developing skills, and negative self-talk.
This made me vulnerable and affected my decision making and view of life.
I’ve learned that every person is a combination of peaks of strength, valleys of weakness, and plains of average.
Therefore, by actively working toward:
- Self-mastery of your strengths and weaknesses.
- Self-control over your vulnerabilities.
- Self-discipline to pursue “feeling capable and deserving of happiness.”
You can begin your journey toward the self-worth that makes everything else possible.
In this 8-minute article, you’ll learn 8 simple habits to rebuild your self-worth.
1. Convince Yourself
You must convince yourself of who you are and what you stand for before you can convince anyone else.
You can develop positive self-worth by repeating specific thoughts and actions, which will help you reshape your belief systems.
For instance, if you struggle with impulse buying and debt, you can use words like:
“I see myself mastering the art of spending and being debt-free.”
This will motivate you to work on a budget.
2. Rewriting Your Negative Thought Pattern
Whenever you think of an event that causes you to feel nervous or insecure:
Use positive self-talk.
Replace, “I can’t do it; I am not intelligent; I don’t like myself,” with, “I can do it; I am intelligent; I love myself.”
As you change your thinking about yourself, your world reality will change to conform to it.
Your world of health, relationships, appearance, and wealth will reflect how you think about them.
3. Developing Admirable Qualities
If you were born with one leg shorter than the other, don’t weep because you can’t take first place in track events.
Don’t expect to win a beauty contest if you are plain in appearance.
Instead, you can compensate by:
- Developing a dazzling personality.
- Becoming a good listener.
- Being an entertaining conversationalist.
- Dressing modestly and elegantly.
- Working on your physique.
- Styling your hair beautifully.
- Intently pursuing your talents.
Such small changes, and newly acquired skills will help you gain self confidence.
Ultimately, your self-worth will improve.
4. Never Compare Yourself With Others
The most significant cause of low self-esteem is comparing oneself with someone else.
You don’t have to look or act like anyone else. Be yourself.
You are not in a competition. Neither are you are not inferior or superior.
You are you, equal to others, and unique.
Choose daily to grow by becoming a better you in all aspects.
5. Give Yourself To Others
When we help someone else handle their problems, our problems seem less threatening.
Those who get involved in helping others experience relief from anxiety, depression, and headaches.
- Visiting the sick.
- Sign up for volunteer work at the hospital or hospice.
- Listen to others.
- Feed the homeless.
- Run an errand for a friend.
- Work with a youth center.
Happiness starts when you start living for others.
6. Take Care Of Yourself
Eat the right foods, drink enough water, get enough sleep, exercise regularly.
Enjoy the sunrise, get some fresh air and breathe deeply.
Read materials, or watch YouTube videos that will expand your mind and abilities.
If you wanna start lifting weights, join the gym bros and achieve a healthy weight.
Always reward and acknowledging your small wins.
You are the only one responsible for yourself. Only you.
7. Practice Positive Affirmation
When you get up each morning, affirm yourself by saying:
“This is going to be a great day.”
In your conversations with others, keep your words upbeat.
Avoid people who complain and criticize.
Purpose to find something nice to say about situations, people, and experiences.
Visualize instead the person you want to be and the goals you want to achieve.
Not living in the misery of your past and/or your present.
8. Claim God’s Promises
Speak out the promises of God in your life from The Word.
“…I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”
“…(He) has not given (me) a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love and of a sound mind…”
Relate biblical experiences to your current situation.
This will root your self-worth in God’s loving arms.
And always remind yourself that you are not just fully known by your heavenly Father, you are loved.
So There You Have It
Your 8 simple habits to rebuild your self-worth:
- Convince Yourself Who You Are.
- Replace Negative Self Talk.
- Develop Admirable Qualities.
- Stop Comparing Yourself.
- Live For Others.
- Take Care Of Yourself.
- Positive Affirmations.
- Claim God’s Promises.
Been struggling with this for a while? Conquered it?
Share any helpful habits I might have missed in the comments!